Heroes Success Guide
You have joined the heroes in our community to support the work of Homes First as we provide our unhoused low-income community members with real long-term, sustainable brick and mortar rental homes in Thurston and Mason Counties.
At our one and only annual fundraising event, we depend on you to bring people to the virtual event so we can inspire them with stories from our tenants and our impact in the community – how having safe, healthy, and affordable homes can change lives.
Countdown to H4H 2024>>>
To Download this Electronic Invitation:
1) Right click on image
2) Select "Save Image as"
3) Save on your computer or phone - remember where you save it!
4) Insert it in an email or text message using the program of your choice
5) Remind your guests of the time: 7:45am-9:00am
6) Location is VIRTUAL! We'll keep this site updated with links to virtual event and we'll share information as soon as we have it. Thank you for understanding!